
2024-2025 Sustainability Internship Program Cohort Introductions

The Office of Sustainability partners with the Student Sustainability Council and sustainability-focused offices from across the campus to provide exciting and meaningful undergraduate internship opportunities for UK students. Interns work with a mentor on supporting a specific sustainability unit on campus, develop an independent project, and participate in a professional development series with the full cohort of interns.

Gail Wallace

Kentucky Climate Consortium (KYCC) Intern

Junior; Landscape Architecture

“I’m excited to return to SIP for a second year, especially since the Kentucky Climate Symposium will be taking place this fall. My mentor, Cagle, and I spent all of last year planning the event, and it’s exciting to see it finally come to fruition!”

Fun Fact: I’m a nontraditional post-baccalaureate student and a Murray State University alumn.

Henry Walke

UK Recycling Intern

Sophomore; Environmental and Sustainability Studies

“I’m looking forward to learning about an area of expertise that I’m not very well-versed in. I like the idea of the waste management’s department and their role in taking care of the waste on campus and doing it in a manner that is more friendly to the pillars of sustainability than other forms of waste management. Ideally by the end of the year I’ll have introduced an idea to the department that can save the university money and balance the social and environmental aspects of the pillars, though the idea itself is a work in progress.”

Fun Fact: I like cargo shorts a lot.

Holly Cason

UK Recycling Intern

Junior; Environmental Science and Sustainability & Natural Resources and Environmental Science

“I am so excited to contribute to sustainability efforts on UK’s campus! I really look forward to seeing the impacts and/or insights provided from my fellow SIP interns projects at the end of the year. I will be working with Ryan Lark and UK Recycling, with a primary focus on composting. Within this role, I hope to be part of efforts that reduce and divert food waste from landfill, especially looking at this goal in the context of UK athletics.”

Fun Fact: Over the summer I assisted in reviewing and revising Lexington’s LEED for cities application through a sustainability internship with LFUCG.

Graciela Martinez

Urban Forestry Initiative Intern

Junior; Environmental and Sustainability Studies

“I am excited to be a partner of the Urban Forest Initiative (UFI), a program that I have admired throughout my studies at UK. UFI tackles large sustainability issues through their work with urban trees canopies. I look forward to assisting UFI in ways that tie my interests and passions together. I am grateful for this opportunity to learn under amazing mentors.”

Fun Fact: I love to read! My favorite genre is classic fiction and, when possible, I enjoy watching the movie interpretation of recent books I’ve read. The book is always better.

Olivia Smith

UK Recycling Intern

Junior; Natural Resources and Environmental Science

“I’m really excited to see what the service projects with the SIP cohort this year will look like. I’ll be focusing on the reduce/reuse and/or recycling diversion methods in my position. I’m looking forward to enhancing my professional skills and making connections.”

Fun Fact: I was one of 1,416 tree huggers that set the world record for most people hugging trees at the same time and place in 2016.

Georgia McNamara

UK Healthcare Sustainability Initiatives Intern

Senior; Environmental and Sustainability Studies

“I am excited to work in the healthcare setting and with a team of very knowledgeable doctors. A large goal that I am trying to achieve within my position this year is to try to create a project that will help UK Healthcare become more sustainable and move them closer to achieving their sustainability goals!”

Fun Fact: I grew up down the street from Dolly Parton.

Karen Keener

Lab Sustainability Intern

Senior; Civil Engineering

“I’m excited to see how I can incorporate sustainability more into my career journey and my personal life!”

Fun Fact: I’ve lived in 3 continents

Mae Hanna

UK Dining Intern

Junior; Natural Resources and Environmental Science

“I’m excited to learn about how an influential institution like the University of Kentucky implements sustainability into its dining operations and beyond. I’m looking forward to this year and how I can assist in reducing food waste, supporting local farmers, and more sustainable and circular solutions!”

Fun Fact: I have over 70 plants!

Mikey Sims

Built Environment Intern

Sophomore; Product Design

“I am excited to get to design and build planter boxes for around campus as well as possibly starting community gardens for campus.”

Fun Fact: I love being outdoors; hiking, camping, and playing soccer.

Katie Johnson

UK Office of Sustainability Communications Intern

Senior; Digital and Mass Media Communications

“As a Communications Intern for the UK Office of Sustainability, my main responsibility is to manage the campus sustainability blog, WholeSum. WholeSum hosts and shares conversations surrounding sustainability at UK and the community beyond. It was such an amazing experience to work so closely with the Office of Sustainability and I can’t wait to participate in the program this coming semester!”

Fun Fact: I have re-read the Harry Potter series 4 times!

Abbey McNely

UK Office of Sustainability Communications Intern

Senior; Environmental Science and Sustainability

“I am excited to work alongside Shane and Katie again and hone my skills with social media and outreach!”

Fun Fact: I have been to 16 countries!

Katherine Johnson

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