As Eastern Kentuckians continue cleaning up from the catastrophic flooding that devastated their region in late July, the list of needs continues to grow. Donation efforts in the initial days of cleanup centered...
The University of Kentucky College of Public Health has officially launched a new department in Epidemiology and Environmental Health (EEH), which merges two existing departments at the College and brings the...
The University of Kentucky is pleased to announce the next Cornerstone Community Innovation Partner (CIP) for the 2022-23 academic year. This year’s partner is FoodChain, which will have an ongoing presence at The...
The University of Kentucky Solar Car team won third place in both the Formula Sun Grand Prix (FSGP) on July 7, 2022 and the American Solar Challenge (ASC) on July 16, 2022. For both events, teams started with a charged...
It is well known that all organic waste from UKY Dining facilities is recycled into nutrient-rich compost. This product is brought back to campus, where it is used by UKY’s Grounds team members as a soil amendment to...
Knowing that battery storage is significant to the future of renewable energy, the University of Kentucky, Louisville Gas and Electric Company and Kentucky Utilities Company (LG&E and KU) have partnered to develop...
In Ecuador, the Tsáchila people have long endured myriad health problems linked to contaminated water. University of Kentucky Professor Wayne Sanderson and a group of students from the UK College of...
“Just throw it away.” I’m sure that’s a common thing you’ve heard or even said, and it’s usually in reference to what we think of as being ‘trash’. It’s an interesting sentence since...
UK Transportation Services is pleased to share information about a valuable shuttle service available through Foothills Express for members of the University of Kentucky community who commute from or through Clark...