Want to win $250,000? Of course you do!
The U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Technology Transitions is offering cash prizes for its student business plan competition. Called the EnergyTech University Prize (EnergyTech UP), this competition challenges multidisciplinary student teams to develop and present a business plan that leverages laboratory-developed and other high-potential energy technologies.
The best part: Student teams will win cash prizes. (That’s right – cash!)
What separates this program from others is the fact that it is an idea competition, rather than a research competition. The best ideas will rise to the top. Students will be invited to present their business plan at a regional convener event. This year, the University of Kentucky has been selected to serve as regional convener for the Appalachia region.
Interested? Get your team together and register on the EnergyTech UP program page.
All undergratuate and graduate students still enrolled in classes are eligible to compete. Your team must submit a 200-word summary of the technology to be leveraged and the business opportunity, along with an initial slide deck. This summary must be submited by the deadline, 5 p.m. January 31, 2022.

Learn more about the competition and register today on this website: https://caer.uky.edu/energytech-up/