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Shane Tedder
Shane Tedder has served as the Sustainability Coordinator for the University of Kentucky since 2009. In this position he supports a wide range of programs and initiatives including serving on the President’s Sustainability Advisory Committee, the Faculty Sustainability Council and as the staff advisor to the Student Sustainability Council. His office is active in policy development and planning processes for the University and led the development of the University’s first Sustainability Strategic Plan. This includes an Implementation Plan for UK’s Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Commitment. He frequently guest lectures in a variety courses and works to make sure the campus of the University is available as a living laboratory for students and faculty.
Thomas Pinkerton
Tessas is a multimedia specialist at the UK Center for Applied Energy Research. After graduating with his Masters in Library Science in 2012 from UK, she soon began work at CAER in tech services: managing web and print design, databases, and conference planning.